
  • Hakomi

  • Re-Creating the Self

  • EMDR

  • Super Resourcing

  • Feldenkrais Method

My focus is on mindfulness-based, experiential therapy, somatic therapy. To break that down, this means that in sessions I focus on assisting you in increasing awareness of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and body sensations in order to develop a better sense of where you might be getting stuck or limiting yourself. I work with whatever you bring into the room. I’m a Certified Hakomi Therapist, Certified EMDR therapist, and Certified Compassion Cultivation Teacher.

The Hakomi Method is an efficient and gentle mode of therapy for helping you explore your inner world and connect with your own pacing and flow so you can move with more ease in the world. The Hakomi method is a somatic, mindfulness based therapy that allows people to get to know how they are organizing themselves in relation to their experiences. It can help clarify limiting beliefs and promote more expansive ones.

EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, therapy uses bilateral stimulation to address the physiological remnants of past overwhelming experiences or traumas. If you have experienced single events that were overwhelming or traumatic or experienced ongoing overwhelming events, EMDR can be helpful.

Super Resourcing is a stand-alone treatment that developed by therapist Alison Teal from her work with EMDR. Super resourcing allows us to focus on the needs of parts of ourselves, meet those needs, and develop connected positive beliefs, emotions and sensations.

The Re-Creating the Self Model(RCS) invites us to recognize how you are organized in relation to experiences. RCS invites us to notice patterns that hold us back and that we have become identified with. Through working together with this model we can connect to a deeper, richer, more complete sense of who we really are beyond our experiences.

Feldenkrais Method: I’m currently completing the teacher training in the Feldenkrais Method of Movement Awareness. The Feldenkrais Method is a system of self -awareness that supports people to develop a more complete sense of themselves. Through developing awareness of physical movements, participants can learn to move with more ease and fluidity both physically and in relationship to self and others.

Contact Me to Book a Session